Become a Chauffeur
  • Discerning passengers
    Getvip passengers are a pleasure for any chauffer. They value the fine touches and class of service offered and behave in kind
  • Pre-booked journeys
    Our chauffeurs appreciate reserving a significant number of pre-booked fares that they can shedule theirs days around.
  • Meaningful support
    Our support isn't bare minimum. They're fast, helpful, and available 24/7 via the hotline and app
  • Complimentary qualifications
    All our chauffeurs recive a CPD-certified Premium chauffeur skills certificate and become first aid certified upon graduation.
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
GetVIP LLC, identification number: 421281838,
Legal address: Georgia, Tskaltubo district, Tskaltubo village, 14th street, N 4

შპს გეთვიპ, საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი: 421281838, იურიდიული მისამართი: საქართველო, წყალტუბოს რაიონი, სოფელი წყალტუბო, მე–14 ქუჩა, N 4

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